Ponseti Kids for a Cause Color Run
Ponseti International / Clubfoot Solutions Kids for a Cause Color Run
In 2003 a sweet boy from St. Paul, Minnesota was born with bilateral clubfoot. His parents made the decision to travel to Iowa to receive treatment from renowned clubfoot specialist, Dr. Ignacio Ponseti. Dr. Ponseti developed the Ponseti non-surgical method of clubfoot correction that is the “gold standard” of clubfoot care around the world. The boys story is not unique; many have followed this path to Iowa City and the University of Iowa’s Ponseti Clubfoot Program. Clubfoot deformity is a genetic disease in which 1 in 750 children are born with clubfoot around the world. A large majority of these children in the developing world do not have access to the Ponseti method of treatment and a quality clubfoot brace.
As these children are born their lives are changed forever without proper medical treatment. Ponseti International and Clubfoot Solutions are helping to change these lives for the better with a world-wide training program of the Ponseti method and a quality clubfoot bracing with the Iowa Brace.
In 2011, through the inspiration of one little boy from St. Paul, Minnesota, Kids for a Cause Triathlon was founded with one goal in mind-- Helping kids realize they have the strength to make a difference—locally, nationally, and globally.
Join us as the Kids for a Cause Triathlon expands it reach from St. Paul, MN to Iowa City, IA. The 1st Annual Ponseti Kids for a Cause Triathlonis being held on World Clubfoot Day June 3rd 2017. Watch children of varying abilities participate in our Kids Triathlon. They will swim, bike and run in honor of kids around the world with clubfoot deformity!
2017 Ponseti Kids for a Cause
Triathlon Saturday June 3rd Iowa River Landing, Coralville, IA
Race Day Details
Printable file with race day details
Race Waiver
Please download, sign, and bring to the event!